
August 9, 2019
Puzzle pieces symbolizing diversity and inclusion

PCK IP’s Christina Lee Co-authors “Economics of Diversity”

PCK Intellectual Property’s Christina Lee co-authored Economics of Diversity with the IPO Women In IP Committee, Push Forward Subcommittee.
July 22, 2019
Photo of a contract or license being signed.

Despite Contract, License Holder Cannot Sue for Patent Infringement: CAFC

CAFC warns that the distinction between assignment and license cannot be determined by “formalities or magic words.”
July 19, 2019
Online shopping, keyboard

Ontario Court Backs American Decision to Penalize Online Counterfeiter

Dead End Survival, LLC v  Marhasin (2019 ONSC 3453) In the era of online shopping, it is easier than ever for counterfeiters to distribute fake consumer […]
July 18, 2019
Mail, Postal service

US Postal Service Prohibited from Challenging Mail Sorting Patent

SCOTUS blocked US Postal Service from using proceedings under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (“AIA”) to avoid litigation and invalidate a US Patent.
July 11, 2019
SCOTUS, the supreme court of the United States

US Supreme Court Asked to Resolve “Fundamental State of Disorder” in the Patent System

A cybersecurity start-up is asking the US Supreme Court to take a bold stance on the judicial treatment of patents and fix the US patent system.
July 8, 2019
Computer server, cables, fiber optic cables, electronics, hardware

Federal Circuit Reinstates Software Patents in Favour of Alleged Patent Troll

The CAFC reminds lower courts that software patents are valid where they claim a particular improvement in how the outcome is achieved.
July 2, 2019
Vials containing pharmaceuticals (drugs)

Oxymorphone Patent Is Not Obvious, Federal Circuit Confirms

CAFC confirms that an invention is only obvious and ineligible for a patent where a skilled person would have had a “reasonable expectation of success.”
June 28, 2019

The Rainbow Flag, Trademarks and Commitment to Diversity

June has been international pride month where rainbow flags are raised in unity, including at PCK Intellectual Property.
June 18, 2019

Raptors Win but Trademark still under Claw

The Raptors may have won the NBA championship but they still have a court battle ahead, this time against popular energy drink Monster Energy.
June 11, 2019
Legal textbooks on a shelf

CAFC Refuses to Hear Appeal from Patent Decision

AVX Corporation v Presidio Components (Fed. Cir., 2018-1106) A case recently dismissed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (“CAFC”) confirms that […]
June 4, 2019
Pharmaceutical researcher in a laboratory

When Can New Uses for Known Drugs Be Patented?

Fed. Cir., 2018-1434 - CAFC clarifies the test for obviousness where the invention claims a use of a known drug.
May 28, 2019
A judge's gavel in front of the UK national flag

PCK IP Lawyers Instrumental in Client’s Defense of Patent Ownership

PCK IP Lawyers LLP represented Netsweeper in patent ownership dispute against Prosyscor in which Netsweeper was successful.
May 21, 2019
T. Andrew Currier

PCK’s Andrew Currier Recognized in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2019

As a result of the 2018 Lexpert Survey, Andrew was selected for this year’s directory. “There is no more credible source than Lexpert. Now in its […]
May 9, 2019
Vintage alarm clock with bells

New Patent Rules will Make Reinstatements and Reversing a Patent Expiry More Onerous

Requests for patent application reinstatements and reversing a patent expiry are about to get more onerous with the new Patent Rules.
May 7, 2019
Abstract three-dimensional design resembling building blocks

Federal Circuit Reins in Impossible Standards for Antedating Prior Art

Fed. Cir., 2016-2222 - CAFC affirms that a patent may be successfully defended if the patent holder can prove that the invention was conceived prior to any similar prior art.
May 1, 2019
A banker's box filled with files containing evidence

Trademarks and New Evidence on Appeal

2019 FC 406 - FC confirms that registered owner is not precluded to submit new evidence on appeal if no evidence is submitted after receiving s.45 notice from the Registrar.
April 30, 2019
GUI on a computer monitor showing a stock performance

Stock Trading GUI Falls Short of Patentability Requirements in US

Fed. Cir. 2017-2257 - CAFC Reaffirms: GUI That Merely Collects and Displays Data Is Not Patentable
April 18, 2019

No More “Phone Tag” at the USPTO

USPTO introduces Automated Interview Requests; a new web-based tool that allows Applicants to schedule an interview with an Examiner for their pending patent application.
April 17, 2019
Photograph of several clocks on a wall indicating the time in different time zones.

PCT Filing Deadlines in Canada Soon to be Much Shorter

Shorter Deadlines for PCT Filing in Canada Coming Soon
April 16, 2019
Photograph of stacks of coins

Canada Federal Court of Appeal Affirms Punitive Damages Award

2019 FCA 29 - Canada's FCA refuses to intervene in trial judge's decision with respect to punitive damages.