January 19, 2021

Quebec Court Finds New Drug Pricing Rules Tip Constitutional Scale

2020 QCCS 4541: Court held that forthcoming amendments to the Patented Medicines Regulations are unconstitutional and infringe on provincial powers.
November 25, 2019
Pharmacist in a white lab coat, holding bottles of pharmaceuticals.

Patent Strategy & Potential Changes to Patented Medicine Regulations & Drug Pricing Legislation

The rising cost of patented medicines is an important topic in the United States and Canada. In the United States, the White House is promising to...
August 30, 2019
Woman rubs medicinal cream on her skin

Canadian Drug Pricing Regulator Ordered to Reconsider Differin

2019 FCA 196 – In an ongoing dispute between the PMPRB and Galderma, the FCA says the drug pricing regulator erred in its interpretation of the law.
May 24, 2018

Federal Court Rejects PMPRB’s Approach to “Invention Pertains to Medicine” Analysis

2017 FC 1023 - The FC quashed a decision of the PMPRB, reasoning that the PMPRB failed to apply the correct test: reviewing the patent as a whole and determining what the invention was.
October 31, 2017

Federal Court Affirms Price Regulation Schemes are intra vires

2016 FC 716 - The AG was successful in bringing a motion to strike Alexion's constitutional challenge to the patented medicines price regulation scheme in the Patent Act. The motion was brought on the ground that the application was bereft of any chance in light of a line of jurisprudence, which had fully and finally determined that these sanctions are intra vires and constitutional.
May 3, 2013

PMPRB’s Copaxone Decision Unreasonable in its Application of s. 85(1) of the Patent Act

Teva Canada Innovation v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 FC 448 Teva asked the Court to set aside a decision of the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board […]