SCOTUS blocked US Postal Service from using proceedings under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (“AIA”) to avoid litigation and invalidate a US Patent.
CAFC confirms that an invention is only obvious and ineligible for a patent where a skilled person would have had a “reasonable expectation of success.”
Fed. Cir., 2016-2222 - CAFC affirms that a patent may be successfully defended if the patent holder can prove that the invention was conceived prior to any similar prior art.
USPTO introduces Automated Interview Requests; a new web-based tool that allows Applicants to schedule an interview with an Examiner for their pending patent application.
New patent rules, expected to come into force by the end of 2019, will introduce a new set of fixed late fees, which will apply in three specific instances.
2018 FC 311 – Pursuant to section 52 of the Patent Act, the FC ordered the variation of the Patent Office Records in relation to Canadian Patent Nos. 2,614,533 and 2,919,266 to rectify a mistake in the name of the legal owner of the patents.
2017 FC 874 - Aitken Klee disqualified from representing Betser-Zelevitch because one of its partners had acted for Nexen in the same action, while at another law firm.