
August 8, 2024

Federal Court Updates Guidance on AI Use in Legal Proceedings

The Federal Court of Canada has taken proactive steps to provide clear guidance on the use of AI in court proceedings.
May 11, 2023
Photograph of the Apple store feature a white Apple logo against a glass window reflecting a cityscape

Federal Circuit Re-Opens Challenge to the Fintiv Rule

Since 2020, the USPTO has been denying requests for post-grant validity challenges based on the controversial Fintiv rule.
July 18, 2019
Mail, Postal service

US Postal Service Prohibited from Challenging Mail Sorting Patent

SCOTUS blocked US Postal Service from using proceedings under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (“AIA”) to avoid litigation and invalidate a US Patent.
July 8, 2019
Computer server, cables, fiber optic cables, electronics, hardware

Federal Circuit Reinstates Software Patents in Favour of Alleged Patent Troll

The CAFC reminds lower courts that software patents are valid where they claim a particular improvement in how the outcome is achieved.
July 2, 2019
Vials containing pharmaceuticals (drugs)

Oxymorphone Patent Is Not Obvious, Federal Circuit Confirms

CAFC confirms that an invention is only obvious and ineligible for a patent where a skilled person would have had a “reasonable expectation of success.”
June 4, 2019
Pharmaceutical researcher in a laboratory

When Can New Uses for Known Drugs Be Patented?

Fed. Cir., 2018-1434 - CAFC clarifies the test for obviousness where the invention claims a use of a known drug.
May 7, 2019
Abstract three-dimensional design resembling building blocks

Federal Circuit Reins in Impossible Standards for Antedating Prior Art

Fed. Cir., 2016-2222 - CAFC affirms that a patent may be successfully defended if the patent holder can prove that the invention was conceived prior to any similar prior art.
April 18, 2019

No More “Phone Tag” at the USPTO

USPTO introduces Automated Interview Requests; a new web-based tool that allows Applicants to schedule an interview with an Examiner for their pending patent application.
April 16, 2019
Photograph of stacks of coins

Canada Federal Court of Appeal Affirms Punitive Damages Award

2019 FCA 29 - Canada's FCA refuses to intervene in trial judge's decision with respect to punitive damages.
April 12, 2019
Photograph of a sunset over the trains in a trainyard.

Patentees May Bring Motion to Stay Proceedings Before the Commissioner to the FC

2019 FC 142 - FC confirms it may stay proceedings before federal board or commissions if elements of strict test are met.
April 5, 2019
Woman standing on a street holding an open binder

Canadian Patent Filing Requirements About To Change

Filing requirements are about to change with the new Canadian Patent Rules, expected to come into force in 2019.
April 4, 2019
White and blue pharmaceutical pills scattered on a surface

Actions Under Old PM(NOC) Regime Not Automatically Applicable to the New

2018 FC 1078 - Canada's Federal Court confirms that jurisprudence under previous PM(NOC) regime is not automatically applicable to the new.
March 21, 2019
Wax seal on an envelope that reads "Top Secret"

Counsel and Expert’s Eyes Only Orders Granted in Unusual Circumstances

2018 FCA 192 – FCA confirms CEEO Orders may be granted in unusual circumstances.
March 20, 2019
Photograph of the calculator app on an iPhone

New Late Fees Introduced by New Patent Rules

New patent rules, expected to come into force by the end of 2019, will introduce a new set of fixed late fees, which will apply in three specific instances.
December 13, 2018

Changes We Can Expect with The New Patent Rules

Overview of the proposed amendments to the Patent Rules, published in the Canada Gazette on December 1, 2018.
December 4, 2018

The ONSC Dismisses Apotex’s Attempt to Revive the Promise Doctrine Under the Guise of Fraud

2018 ONSC 5199 – ONSC rejects Apotex’s attempt to recast Promise Doctrine under s. 53 fraud allegations.
October 11, 2018

What Pharma Patentees Need to Know About Canada’s CSP Regime

Canada’s Certificate of Supplementary Protection Regime – an overview a year into its introduction
September 20, 2018

Defence of Prior Disclosure Needs Material Facts

2018 FC 689 – Federal Court confirms that material facts must be pleaded in order to succeed with defence of prior disclosure.
September 13, 2018

Canada’s Federal Court Orders Variation of the Records of the Patent Office to Rectify Mistake in Application

2018 FC 311 – Pursuant to section 52 of the Patent Act, the FC ordered the variation of the Patent Office Records in relation to Canadian Patent Nos. 2,614,533 and 2,919,266 to rectify a mistake in the name of the legal owner of the patents.
August 28, 2018

Law Firm Removed on Patent Infringement Action Due to Conflict of Interest

2017 FC 874 - Aitken Klee disqualified from representing Betser-Zelevitch because one of its partners had acted for Nexen in the same action, while at another law firm.